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Help get teenagers in London more active through Satellite Clubs

Help get teenagers in London more active through Satellite Clubs

One of London Sport’s longest running and most successful schemes at getting young people more active is back and we’re once again in need of your help.

We’re looking for individuals, groups or clubs interested in launching a Satellite Club to get more young people aged between 14 and 19 completing more physical activity and sport.

Satellite Clubs are funded by Sport England to provide them with fun and positive experiences which reflect the likes and needs of teenagers in that particular community.

And the need for these clubs has never been greater with the latest Active Lives data from Sport England showing that 15 per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds across the country are classified as inactive.

London Sport’s Strategic Relationship Manager, Lorna Leach said:

“This is a fantastic opportunity for clubs and organisations to grow, to reach out and engage with new young people with fresh and exciting activities across London.

“Satellite Clubs have been hugely successful in the past in bringing teenagers into physical activity and sport and, most importantly, restarting habits which last a lifetime.

“I’m always excited to see the new and innovative ideas which are submitted to us when we invite groups and organisations to join our Satellite Club family.”

Expressions of interest are now open for groups and organisations to submit project ideas for becoming a Satellite Club – which deliver weekly for at least one hour/week for 30 weeks in London.

All applications which meet the criteria will be considered though additional weighting is given to those supporting women, deaf and disabled people and those that operate in deprived areas.

Deadline is November 30.

To find out more about Satellite Clubs click here

Got an idea, not sure if it fits? Read our FAQs or get in touch with [email protected]

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